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Colossal Cave

Personal Rating:

Release Date:

Game Version:

2023, January 19


Microsoft Windows

Graphic Adventure

Genre Element: N/A

Point-of-View: First-person

Camera: Fixed

Player Mode: Single-player

Storyline: Nonlinear

Theme: Exploring

Developer: Cygnus Entertainment

Publisher: Cygnus Entertainment

Game Engine: Unity

Maximum Resolution: 3840x2160

Native Display Ratio: 16:9 (21:9 works)

Recommended PC Configuration:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3 GHz


GPU: Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3870, VRAM 512 MB


Media Support: -

OS: Windows 10

DirectX: 11

This version is a 3D remaster of Colossal Cave Adventure (1979), under the title Colossal Cave, released by Cygnus Entertainment as its first title in on January 19, 2023 and designed by Ken and Roberta Williams, co-founders of Sierra Entertainment, the game was started as a hobby project by the pair during the COVID-19 pandemic, before being expanded into a full commercial product by a team of thirty. It was intended by lead designer Roberta to be a recreation of how playing the game felt like to her in 1979.

It was first time for me when I played a version of this classic adventure game and I can't say that I was very impressed at the moment. Anyway, I didn't go too far in the game and I explored a very small area of the misterious cave. Saying that, I have the feeling there is more fun exploring the Colossal Cave much deeper.

Below I present my personal score for game sections after a brief gameplay experience:

  • Gameplay: 1 / 5

  • Story: 2 / 5

  • Characters: 0.2 / 5

  • Video: 2.2 / 5

  • Audio: 1.5 / 5

  • User Interface: 3.2 / 5

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