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Raiden IV x MIKADO remix

Personal Rating:

Release Date:

Game Version:

1990, April

Main Title


Shoot 'em Up

Genre Element:

Point-of-View: Vertical-scrolling

Military Science Fiction



Player Mode: Single-player

Developer: Seibu Kaihatsu

Publisher: Fabtek, IBL Corporation, Liang HWA Electronics

Game Engine:

Maximum Resolution:

Native Display Ratio:

Recommended PC Configuration:







Media Support:

Raiden IV x MIKADO remix was released for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4,

PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S as a remaster version of 2007 Raiden IV (雷電IV, Raiden Fō).

Wikipedia contributors. "Raiden IV." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia. 14 Jun, 2023.


  • Pro: A high-level complexity of various and precise combat actions.

  • Con: The interaction is limited to just shooting down enemies and grab the rewards. The movement of your avatar is limited by the screen borders.

Story: Once again the Crystals returns after numerous defeats against humanity. The VCD immediately launches a new model of the Raiden fighter, the Fighting Thunder ME-02 Kai, to stop the Crystals from taking over the Earth. The battlefield alternates between Earth and the cosmic space.

  • Pro: The game has more game modes: There are: Arcade Mode (5 Light stages & 6 Original stages); Additional Mode (same as Arcade Mode plus 2 new stages for Light and Original dificulties); Overkill Mode (same as Additional Mode but with a new scoring system); Score Attack Mode (high score mode for all stages); Boss Rush Mode (fight each stage's bosses). There are also more dificulty levels: Practice, Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Original, Hard, Very Hard and Ultimate. So anyone can enjoy the game just chosing the right game mode and dificulty.

  • Con: The game is limited to vertical scrolling movements and your main mission is to eradicate entire all enemies crossing your path. The story it's very short and repetitive, pretty much the same scenario as the previous ones of the series.

Characters: Your new Raiden fighter is the Fighting Thunder ME-02 Kai.

Any enemy hit would destroy it instantly but that's not a big problem since you already have few more reserves of your ship. Anyway, when the last of your ships is destroyed you fail the mission.

  • Pro: Your combat air ship has auto-guns, missiles and bombs. While the auto-guns and missiles have unlimited ammunition, the bombs are limited (up to 7) The bombs are special weapons able to deal huge damage over a wide area and cancel out enemy fire. On the battlefield you can pick-up different power-ups for your weapons, ammunition type, bombs and arcade points. The enemies have a high variety of designs and arsenal and their dificulty level is optional. For example, Practice level is the lowest dificulty of the game where the enemies have no bullets, while the higher dificulty levels have more fire power and faster bullets.

  • Con: Your only gear in the game are the weapons of your combat air shio. The game's NPCs have a weak AI tactics using the same attack pattern all the time.


  • Pro: The overall design is a good one, various and pretty elaborated in details. The most impressive are few dynamic sequences with camera when takes different angles of battlefield.

  • Con: The overall improvement of the graphic quality is too little for a remastered game. The rendering animation has a little improvement from original version.

Audio: The music is written by Gō Satō

  • Pro: The metal rock rythm of the soundtrack is perfectly suited for such an action game.

  • Con: It is a low quality of the sound, especially for a remastered game version. Also the repetitive background music could get pretty boring after a while.

User Inteface:

  • Pro: You have posibility to use either keyboard & mouse or a game controller.

  • Con: Some display resolutions have issues and don't adapt well to a specific Screen Mode.

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